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Paintball Moves For Particular Situations

In particular situations, there are
particular moves that a player or players on a team must make. Here are a few that I've seen and performed over the years. If you can recognize the particular situation, and make the particular move required for that situation, your game and your team's record will improve.

Be sure to remember and use this moves. They will play you a great help when you will be playing paintball next time.


When a team needs to take a specific bunker or a very important part of the field, give the opponents Double Trouble and send two players, slightly apart. Incoming paint will now need to focus on two targets, which can increase the odds of a successful move by at least one of your players.

If one is eliminated, that's o.k. since your other player got in. If both make the move, that's even better. (If both don't, that's still all right because at least you tried to do something instead of sitting on your hands.) Teams playing paintball, especially in tournaments, need to do things to win the game. Play to win the game; don't play to lose it.


The Bait and Trap is a spin-off from the leap frog or bounding overwatch maneuver. It is a play made by two players on a team when they are advancing through the field. The first player moves out anywhere from 5 to 10 yards away from his partner.

Player 1 is looking for opponents. So is player 2, but player 2 must also keep an eye on player 1 to see when he will stop ("post up"). After he stops, player 2 moves out, not directly behind player 1 but to one side. He passes up player 1 and goes 5 to 10 yards past him and posts up.
When making this move, the players always look for sufficient cover. Either one of them may not be able to go 5 or 10 yards because they have to use the cover they find, and they may take incoming paint from opponents. They keep repeating this advance move. One player is always on point, posted up and not moving, which the other one is moving.

This move has risks because you are taking up a lot of ground at a pretty fast pace. How fast you make this move depends on the circumstances. Take your time. Stop the move if need be and resume when circumstances are right to continue. This move may be used several times in a game. It may be executed quickly and you move from bunker to bunker, or it can be made more slowly to attempt to avoid being seen.

Practice these moves until you know which particular move is called for under particular circumstances. In time, they will all become a welcomed part of your tactics arsenal.

(c) 2003 Пейнтбол Клуб Егерь

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